Monday 1 August 2011

Darby & Joan

Darby and Joan is defined  as "a happily married couple who lead a placid, uneventful life. 
Well I suppose we are in a way but life is far from placid - it's just hectic.

I've just realised it is a month since I posted a blog and I have missed out on so many happenings on other breeders blogs - I do read them but say to myself I must go back and comment but the time has gone (again).  It took me a long time to log in as I had forgotten my password!!!!!!!

The alpacas are well,  our little Simba is not so little now and runs over for his milk and actually sucks the bottle properly which makes life much easier - unlike the haymaking.

Mowing went well, turning went well, baling went well -  help organised for Friday night to get the bales in BUT the rain came on Friday morning.  I was not available to help so Sid did what he could on his own before they got too wet but had to leave over 200 out as the rain got heavier.  We both had a go yesterday when they had all dried out but it is not a job for Darby and Joan on their own and no help available.  Hopefully all will be sorted today before the expected rain tonight.

The paddocks look like desserts as the alpacas look for any green areas left.

Garment sales have been good at the recent sales and whenever I attempt to update the web page I run out of stock - good to the products are appreciated.  More knitting tonight and I really need to sort out the fleeces for showing.

Hopefully my computer will soon be more user friendly - it doesn't like tea spilt on it and makes things very difficult with unco-operative keys and a mouse!!!