Sunday, 20 March 2011


Thankful for a lot of things but especially for the part of the world we live in.  The disater in Japan, fighting in Libya and general shortcomings around the world make us realise how lucky we are.  Indeed we are very fortunate in this part of the country as we seem to have been very fortunate with the weather whereas other parts of the country have snow, wind or rain.  This week has been beautiful, those of you who have watched the horse racing from Cheltenham on the television will be aware that the weather in this area has been gorgeous.  A time when you look across the paddocks and wonder is that alpaca alright - of course it is - just sunbathing. 

We have been making the most of it and hoping it is not the calm before the storm.

When the paddock duties were finished for today it was time to have a go at the flower border followed by a well earned cup of tea. 


  1. Flower beds? Another chore to add to the list. Hadn't even given them a thought yet. I do know what you mean though about the sunbathing alpacas, taken a photo for our blog that scared the life out of us this morning.

  2. Nice bit of gardening going on there! Looks like the grass in your paddocks is growing well to!

  3. We are behind ....up here on the gardening and the grass growing front....Lucky you....enjoy those early signs of Spring....and give it push up north !!......Jayne
