Sunday, 5 July 2009

Back at last

Due to a few gremlins in the system I have been without the computer for a while - doesn't take much to put me off technology. However I'm glad to say all seems well now.
I am so glad the Alpacas were shorn at the beginning of May, it was a shame we missed the Three Counties Show but as we have had extremes of temperatures it has worked for the best. It was nice to go to the Three Counties Show as a social, it was a shame that the Alpaca ring was behind the Young Farmers Arena which is always very noisy but the alpacas seemed to ignore it mainly and it was better from the public point of view as they were more high profile. It was wonderful to see so many entries. Let's hope the last Royal Show goes well.
Our four adult females are due to give birth within the next month but from talking to other people it seems that a lot of cria are overdue this year - even longer watching and wondering.

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